In the last 20 years, this type of house is being built en masse in Europe. Our company is a pioneer in the construction of this system in this region. No building system in history for so short a time has succeeded in replacing the existing building as the system of family ECO houses.

Family ECO houses follow the modern way of life, which means:

Living in an ecological environment

l materials used for the performance of such an object are natural and ecological. If we have to work and stay in premises that are polluted in various ways (workplaces, streets, waterways, etc.), let yourself and your family live in an environmentally sound environment. For this reason, this feature of the houses is located on 1st place in the sveti frame.

Low energy objects

Besides the ecological moment, the main feature of these objects is their isolation. Amazing is the fact that with how little energy is heated and cooled these objects. For buildings smaller than 200 m2, it is economically cost-free installation of central heating. They are heated by electric panels that consume very little electricity. This building system contributes to global energy savings. Your electricity bills will be at least twice as low in such a low-energy facility.

Seismically most sustainable objects

Objects constructed with this type of construction are practically impossible to break down in seismic activities. From that side, living in family ECO houses is safe for you and your family. The greatest damage that can occur during the seismic activity is the cracks of the gypsum board that do not affect the constructiveness of the building and can be repaired immediately.

Construction speed

The average duration of the construction of an object of approx. 100 m2 is 30-40 days on a previously prepared concrete substrate. In proportion to this, you can determine the duration of the building according to your quadrature. The policy of HOT-HOT is at least 1 day before the expiration of the agreed deadline to give you the keys.


If you decide to build your home, it is our responsibility to help you find the best architectural solution for your taste. This is done by a team of highly educated people (architect, construction engineer and interior design engineer). The next step is to prepare a future project. Once you get the building permits, the overall care for building your home is at HOT-HOT. Your only obligation is to choose the nuances and types of laminate flooring, ceramic tiles, and tint on the walls. We give you the old rule "if you think bad of someone building a house" -not valid for you and building your home will be a short and beautiful life experience.

" Let us build your dream "

After handing over your keys and staying in the home of your dreams our care for you does not stop.